Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh in a Chinese laundry  Columbia Phonograph Co: 14028 
 2. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh in a Chinese laundry  Edison Standard Record: 10343 
 3. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh on a Fifth Avenue bus  Edison Standard Record: 10085 
 4. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh keeps house  Edison Blue Amberol: 1714 
 5. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh at the opera  U.S. Everlasting Record: 1613 
 6. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh's rheumatism  Edison Blue Amberol: 1986 
 7. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh at the dentist's  Edison Standard Record: 10131 
 8. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh and the sailor (take 1)  Edison Amberol: 11 
 9. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh at Delmonico's  Columbia Phonograph Co.: 14012 
 10. Cal Stewart and Len Spencer  Uncle Josh at the dentist’s  Busy-Bee Record: 437 
 11. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh at the museum  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 3889 
 12. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh on an automobile  Columbia Phonograph Co.: 32240 
 13. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh and the sailor (take 2)  Edison Amberol: 11 
 14. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh in society  Edison Standard Record: 10058 
 15. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh on a bicycle (120 rpm)  Columbia Graphophone Grand: 14011 
 16. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh's huskin' bee (take 2)  Edison Blue Amberol: 1866 
 17. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh keeps house  Edison Amberol: 75 
 18. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh on a bicycle (144 rpm)  Edison Record: 3898 
 19. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh's huskin' bee (take 1)  Edison Blue Amberol: 1866 
 20. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh at the Circus (1919)  Columbia-19D 
 21. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh at the Circus (1919)  Victor-16193 
 22. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh and the Phonograph (1903)   
 23. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh and the lightning rod agent  Edison Standard Record: 10193 
 24. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh and the lightning rod agent  Columbia Phonograph Co.: 14029 
 25. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh at a ball game  Indestructible Record: 923 
 26. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh's second visit to New York  Indestructible Record: 909 
 27. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh at the Circus (1901)  Victor-16193 (670) 
 28. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh at a baseball game  Baseball 
 29. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh at a Circus (1899) a  Columbia-14013 a 
 30. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh in a photograph gallery  Edison Amberol: 244  
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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